Halloween's not over yet, folks. Nintendo ups the creepy game applications with a crying Wiimote-powered doll

Wii Baby Kiiiiddies … come out and playyyyyy! Nintendo

People who hate creepy kids and Halloween aren't out of the woods yet. A new Wii-exclusive Baby and Me arrives just in time for the holiday season, so that every Nintendo-loving household can stick a wiimote in an anatomically correct doll's back to rock it lovingly via accelerometer and hear its gurgles, giggles and wails through a tinny Wiimote speaker.

The game uses motion control to create 18 game modes that include the usual feeding, coddling and playing activities which keep hordes of zombie-like parents awake long into the wee hours. There's even balance board support for rocking this Rosemary's baby to sleep, burping it, or teaching it to walk. Note: if nothing else, we would definitely advise against teaching the terrifying tot to walk.

But that's not all. Kids who rock their Wii babies will also see themselves rocking a virtual baby on-screen in Baby and Me--after all, why not throw in some Ringu style horror elements?

The game even comes with a holster that allows players to attach the Wiimote to everything from household appliances to pets. That prospect alone seems more disturbing than any prior Wii applications, including the Wii saddle and using the Wiimote to practice home CPR.

Anyway, you've been warned. The doll arrives on store shelves November 10.

[Aussie Nintendo via Kotaku]


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