First scientific evidence that tai chi makes you healthier and happier

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Promising results from an innovative Tai Chi based study at the University of Queensland shows depression, diabetes and obesity can all be improved through a gentle mind-body therapeutic program. The proportion of participants with clinical levels of depression decreased from 60 per cent to 20 per cent. BMI and waist circumference also significantly decreased by 4 percent and 3 percent respectively. This specific program may be the first exercise program that has scientifically shown significant effects of exercise alone on both depression and diabesity (diabetes and obesity).

Dr Liu Xin, a UQ scientist in the field of mind-body therapy, developed this unique program for the control of depression and diabesity. The three month pilot study, funded by the Diabetes Australia Research Trust, was conducted at The University of Queensland.

“Without involvement of any dietary intervention and high intensity training, it was very encouraging to see such impressive results over a short period of time,” Dr Liu said. "In addition to the improvements in depression and obesity, the results of the study also show that this specific program has a beneficial effect on indicators of blood glucose control (decreased by 6 per cent), hypertension (decreased by 9 per cent and 12 per cent in systolic and diastolic blood pressure respectively) and insulin resistance (decreased by 20 per cent),” he said.

"Other reported benefits include improvements in energy levels, sleeping patterns, urinary control, breathing, immunity, confidence, self-esteem and coping; and positive changes in life perspective and family harmony”.

An extended large controlled study named SMILE* Tai Chi Program focusing on depression and obesity has recently been funded by the National Heart Foundation and Beyondblue (SMILE* refers to Mental and Metabolic Syndrome Innovative Life-long Exercise). The funding is the second largest grant ever provided under the National Heart Foundation and Beyondblue Cardiovascular Disease and Depression Strategic Research Program.

In Australia, one in five people experience depression at some stage of their lives, and more than half of Australian adults are either overweight or obese.

"If this SMILE program can be further confirmed to have beneficial effects on indicators of depression, obesity and other risk factors for developing cardiovascular diseases in the large trial, the findings can be translated into great social and economic benefit for public health," Dr Liu said.



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